1.关于返签Visa Pass Letter, 它由新加坡教育部(MOE)和新加坡移民局(ICA)联合签发,是准证批准函,不是准证本身,学生签证是在学生领取护照和赴新机票后,在新加坡入境时激活的。
2.Void in whole or in part where forbidden by law. This visa is issued subject to the conditions set out on this and any other accompanying pages of this visa, and applies only for entry onto named dates, as stated herein. The holder of a valid immigration visa does not imply automatic right to enter Singapore nor automatically entitle the bearer to stay beyond the period of validity indicated herein. In case you wish to stay longer than what has been authorised hereon, please seek prior approval from the appropriate authorities before departure from your country of origin. The Immigration & Checkpoints authority reserves all rights to deny admission into Singapore if required without assigning reasons.This document will cease to have effect upon arrival at the specified port-of-entry, which may vary according to passport type and issuing country. It must always bear the stamp of an authorized official when presented to ICA officers at ports of entries/exit during check-ins and checks. (注意看最后一句!!!!) 所以,VPL生效时间是你持有效签证从出发地到达新加坡的时间,而不是你申请VPL的时间;而且VPL是有期限的,一般情况是签证有效期减3个月,请注意在有效期内进入新加坡并且不要逾期滞留,否则要重新办理签证了哦~~ VPL上面也会标注入境停留期,请留意。
3.如果VPL过期了但是人还在新加坡怎么办啊?! 去ICA大厅办理续签手续吧~~~需要交25新币手续费,以及以下材料: 过去6个月的银行对账单或存折复印件 过去6个月的信用卡对账单或是刷卡消费凭证(需盖银行章) 在新的VPL下来之前请尽量不要离开新加坡,因为VPL上会注明你的出入境期限,一旦超期的话就麻烦啦~
4. 另外,有些小伙伴拿到VPL之后会发现上面的入境口岸一栏写的并不是自己直飞新加坡的目的地机场(比如我是北京直飞樟宜国际机场的,但是VPL上的入境口岸却写着“上海” )……这也没啥好奇怪的啦,人家就是按照给你发的VPL批注的入境口岸来填写的而已嘛,放心用就好了!