谢邀~ 作为在牛校读了两个master的人(一个MRes,一个MA),我觉得我有资格来回答这个问题! MA in Intercultural Communication 跨文化沟通研究 这个专业在我毕业的时候是有full-time 和part-time two year和part-time one year的选择的,我因为想留在英国所以选择了前者,所谓“full-tome”其实就是没有假期的意思,两年制的一学期都没有!每天上课放学都很累,不过可以选一门不上课的星期天上。
Part-time students on this course do not have a Sunday class but are expected to complete all coursework. Full-time students will attend Saturday classes as well as the usual Tuesday and Thursday evening classes. In both cases, the weekly timetable consists of five daydays and four evenings (Tues/Thurs) each week. The programme is taught by research seminar series and individual tutorials, which are usually scheduled to take place during the daytime hours. There may be occasional afternoon or evening lectures as well as online classes. Students are assessed primarily through essays, short answer questions and presentations.
简单来说就是,如果选择full time,周末也要上课!而且不存在寒暑假这种概念,要是你不想放假可以直接跟导师说,他可能会让你少写论文早点交差哈哈哈。 Mres in Interdisciplinary Studies 交互式研究(我没念这个,是同学选择的,类似phd预科,成绩合格直接读phd)。
这个好像是没有full time的课程设置,都是part time的,每周两天课,不算太忙。而且有寒暑假哦~ 总之呢,无论读哪个master,只要你的英语够好,在英留过学,再回去读个master绝对是没问题的!而且比起美帝和大陆,英国虽然贵但是能给你带来最原汁原味的西方教育和最强大的校友网络。不过要是像题主这样已经在北美拿了很好的offer的话,还是建议题主选择美国,美国的master一般是10个月到一年,比英国短很多,学费也比英国便宜,最重要的是,在美国拿的学位是和美国本科一样的,对于未来就业认可度也高些。只是美国申请相对麻烦一点要准备各种标化考试。