当然有啊,我就是例证之一。 我是南加州大物理学物理博士,我大概四年没有上物理课了(读博期间),但是我有很好的物理基础。 我本科毕业于中国科技大学,专业是应用物理。本科的时候修了四年的微积分和四年的线代,还学了量子力学,电磁学,光学等课程。 大三的时候来到UCLA交换了一年,学习了电动力学,统计热力学,量子光学等课程。
后来申请了南加大,拿到了物理博士学位,并在那里完成了我的PhD thesis. my PhD project was centered around the study of a topological phase transition in a one-dimensional electron gas using quantum dots as an experimental realization of the system. I developed several methods to probe the electronic structure and conductivity of the system, and observed for the first time the quantum phase transition between metallic and insulating states as I varied the gate voltage on my quantum dot device. My work has been reported by CNN, NPR, BBC News etc. 你可以看我写的论文: arxiv.org/abs/1309.2529 In addition to this theoretical work, I have worked on designing new microwave circuits and measuring their performance.This included the design and fabrication of high Q factor superconducting cavities as well as analyzing data from these cavities.