

来英国的工签主要有两种,2009年之前的Tier 1和2009年之后的Tier 2, 申请工签的要求都是本科毕业并且有学士学位证书. T1是以前的精英签证类别,主要针对的是高收入人群,比如企业家移民之类的,因为这类申请人每年都交高额的担保金,对于英国的经济有好处所以一直存在到现在, 但是名额很少而且条件很苛刻,基本不可能申请成功,因此也不作为主要方式讨论了. 所以我们这里只说T2, 也就是一般所说的技术工人签证. 技术工人的签证分为5个不同级别.

1) Tier 2 General (standard or limited), which covers those with a job offer in an unskilled occupation, e.g. plumber for a general builder; skilled occupations without a PhD qualification such as IT support technician and nurse for hospitals that are not NHS. This is the most common visa category to use by non-EU nationals looking to work in UK from outside of Europe;

2) Tier 2 Skilled Worker, covering those who have been offered a position at least Grade A in a skilled profession requiring a professional qualifications (e.g. doctors/nurses/accountants); These applicants would need either sponsorship under Tier 2, exemption through Tier 5 (Government Authorised Exchange program), or a post approved by the Home Office. In particular this includes those on short term posts sponsored via a Tier 5 temporary work visa programme, eg. international sportspersons, researchers etc ;

3) Tier 2 Minister of Religion, which basically requires a job interview at the Home Office before you can be considered eligible for any kind of permit (not just the minister of religion one) because it’s seen to be too risky to let foreign preachers into Britain unless they prove their credentials in person! 4) Tier 2 Intra Company Transfer, similar to business visitor visas but allows more flexibility if your company sends employees overseas and needs them back permanently, covered by some types of intra-group loan agreements so companies like Google and Facebook get around being restricted in how many staff they may sponsor each year;

5) Tier 5 Temporary Work Visas, mainly for traineeships, volunteer activity, religious workers and government authorised exchange activities. The main ones we will discuss here are Graduate Trainee Scheme (for graduates working full time for six months up to two years after graduation), Youth Mobility Scheme (


先谢邀。 在英国的中国人很多,而且也有很多在英国留学的中国人会留在英国工作的。那么对于这些人来讲他们最关心的是如何申请英国的工作签证。

1. 对于有Tier 4学生签的在英留学生来说要找好工作是非常容易的事情吗? 因为在Tier 4的学生身份,可以合法地在英居留并享受与当地人一样的福利待遇。 所以这些留学生们是有资格来找工作以获取到正式工的身份的,而这也是大家最想要的结果之一。当然,也并不是说只要拿到offer就可以直接去公司办理入职手续了哦~因为还需要进行一系列的操作流程呢!

2. 有其他类型签证的人在英国想找好工作难么? 像持有PBS的签证或者持有SP签证的外国人在找到合适的新工作后也需要经过繁琐的申请程序才能顺利拿到新的工作Offer以及相应的签证哦! 不过如果是在英国有永久居留权的人就不需要再担心这个问题啦……毕竟他们的身份已经是被认可的了!
