

1. 如果你申请的国家有分不同类型的移民签证,请尽量申请非移民类别的签证(Non-immigrant Visa);这样一旦被拒签,还可以尝试再次办理。如果申请的移民类别(Immigration Visa)被拒签的话,通常都要等上几年才能重新申请。比如美国学生签证就分两种(F,M),前者为短期学习用后者为学生学者研究用;

2. 请尽可能多地提供能证明自己背景的证明文件;这些证明文件包括你的学历证书、工作履历、存款证明以及家庭关系证明等等——越多越好!当然,你要注意所递交材料的质量和真实性;而且一定要记得准备好各种英文版本的材料以备查验;

3. 如果可能的话尽量不要选择中介来帮你办理手续;因为这样既会令你多付一笔费用又会使你错过很多细节。同时,你也可以找一些留学生朋友帮你代办此事。不过,他们通常都比较关心自己的利益而不会太在意你的事情到底能否办成;

4. 在提交材料时最好将原件交给使领馆人员查验过后再拿回来。这样可以防止使领馆在检查材料时故意刁难从而延长了受理时间;另外,你还可以让使领馆的人复印一份你的材料以便日后查阅和补交。这样做虽然需要多花些钱但比较安全方便;

5. 最后要说的是千万不要听信那些所谓的“包通过”或“免面谈”之类的骗人广告。这种广告往往就是靠骗取高额服务费来牟利的。所以请提高警惕不要上当受骗!

现在英国实行了新的签证政策, 也就是PBS系统. 这个系统里所有的visa都是一次性visa。这个visa是允许你在英国住多久的说明。比如说你是去读书的,那么你就是tier4 visa holder. t4里面分为st,pt,ps三个种类。其中st是最难的,ps最容易,pt介于两者之间。

Tier 4 (General) visa is for students who do not require a sponsor to undertake a course of study in the UK, and Tier 4 (Child) visa is for children aged between 4 and 17 years old on arriving into the UK to start full-time education at an approved school or university. The child must be accompanied by a parent whose own tier 4 status permits them to stay with their dependent child in the UK, if required. Children under four can also apply as a dependent on the main applicant’s visa application form but they are classed as a Tier 4 Child Migrant visa. This means that it has strict time limitations which may prevent the child from staying beyond this period unless they have been granted leave to remain separately, or a parent applies for ‘dependent migrant Leave to Remain’ in the UK. Both parents need to be present at interview. If one parent cannot attend, another adult who knows both parties needs to attend along with the child.

The Home Office has introduced new rules relating to Tier 4 visas for student migrants. From July 6th 2012 there will be no grace periods after courses end – any students out of work will become illegal immigrants within six months, losing the right to rent properties etc. In addition, students wishing to find employment during their studies now have only three months before their permission to work lapses – instead of twelve. It appears that more stringent controls aimed at reducing immigration are being put in place because the government does not intend to increase numbers of places available


你是什么情况 读语言还是本科或者研究生 我可以帮你看看你的条件能不能快速出结果 因为我自己是中介 所以比较懂

我是中介所以很专业,而且也免费帮忙申请学校之类的 你也可以先咨询下老师看自己需要准备什么材料然后去办理!因为现在疫情的原因很多学校都限制留学生入学名额的(例如 香港大学)如果超过名额的话是需要排队等位置的哦~
